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beelip 2016-6-13 20:35

Long pimple rubber

Anyone know where to buy the Giant dragon talon long pimple rubber in HK.


wlwlwl 2016-6-13 20:59

Yahoo auctions hk

beelip 2016-6-13 21:18

回復 2# 的帖子

Thanks, but I like to buy from a stote which can glue the rubber for me. Glueing OX rubber is not an easy task.

beelip 2016-6-13 21:22

I also saw one in Taobao, its only half the price of Yahoo auction. Maybe I take the rubber to stores in Mongkok and see if they have rubber glueing service.

閃人 2016-6-13 22:55

鳳爪長膠;lol ;lol

egghead1969 2016-6-14 01:08

[quote]原帖由 [i]beelip[/i] 於 2016-6-13 21:18 發表 [url=http://hkttf.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=1133944&ptid=82943][img]http://hkttf.com/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
Thanks, but I like to buy from a stote which can glue the rubber for me. Glueing OX rubber is not an easy task. [/quote]
冇記錯,lee 塊長膠連 glue sheet,好易癡下喎

淘寶有冇 link, 唔該

beelip 2016-6-14 06:40

回復 6# 的帖子


beelip 2016-6-14 06:54

This rubber is popular in US and Europe. According to reviews it is the Chinese rubber that closely resemble the Grass dtecs, but a little slower. And it is only about 30% of the price of dtecs. I am using dtecs now so I would like to compare both.

egghead1969 2016-6-14 08:39

[quote]原帖由 [i]beelip[/i] 於 2016-6-14 06:54 發表 [url=http://hkttf.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=1134044&ptid=82943][img]http://hkttf.com/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
This rubber is popular in US and Europe. According to reviews it is the Chinese rubber that closely resemble the Grass dtecs, but a little slower. And it is only about 30% of the price of dtecs. I am  ... [/quote]
不過唔係好多網站有,以我所知美國、德國得一個網站有 (~$20usd);我可話比你知佢係似舊版個塊dtecs,唔係新版個塊 dtecs;不過點都好,真係幾好正:like

;offtopic 淘寶個塊係國乒版,如果係真貨,就正;sosad ,國乒版快過同沉過普通版

HKSpurs 2016-6-14 09:16


beelip 2016-6-14 10:05

回復 10# 的帖子

Is this rubber banned by 乒總, it is in the I T T F approved racket coverings. Just curious that a Chinese made rubber is not easy to find in HK.

egghead1969 2016-6-14 12:38

點會唔過,塊膠起 ITTF list 到。(不過起 ITTF list 到個塊係普通版;hehe,總之你打完都冇人知就得 )
唔好話香港,外國都唔係好多網站,球會有得賣,總之巨龍好似唔繄張咁;sosad ;sosad ;sosad

beelip 2016-6-14 13:29

回復 12# 的帖子

Thanks egghead1969, I 've just Google this rubber, there are a couple of online stores in UK, Australia, EBay  plus some stores in Greece and Italy that sells this rubber. In Asia, aside from Yahoo HK auction there is one in Malaysia only. I stop browsing in Google after nine pages. ( too many articles.)

egghead1969 2016-6-15 00:41

[quote]原帖由 [i]beelip[/i] 於 2016-6-14 13:29 發表 [url=http://hkttf.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=1134107&ptid=82943][img]http://hkttf.com/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
Thanks egghead1969, I 've just Google this rubber, there are a couple of online stores in UK, Australia, EBay  plus some stores in Greece and Italy that sells this rubber. In Asia, aside from Yahoo HK ... [/quote]
我意思係以個塊膠既知名度,竟然唔係好似紅雙喜、銀河咁,間間都有 carry;
不過好多人囉塊膠去攪 lee 攪路,所以你買返來打個時,同問人借來打個塊,好似有唔 d 唔同;titter

beelip 2016-6-15 16:06

回復 14# 的帖子

Yes, I've heard of players putting this under sunlight to make the pips softer and frictionless. Don't know if this is true,

beelip 2016-6-15 19:33

Just arrived from Taobao,but no glue sheet.

egghead1969 2016-6-17 04:19

[quote]原帖由 [i]beelip[/i] 於 2016-6-15 19:33 發表 [url=http://hkttf.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=1134467&ptid=82943][img]http://hkttf.com/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
Just arrived from Taobao,but no glue sheet. [/quote]
唔係有張 glue sheet,係塊膠後面已搽左膠水;smile;如果冇膠水又冇包裝就有機係唔過 QC ,不過可能重正 ;titter

[[i] 本帖最後由 egghead1969 於 2016-6-17 04:58 編輯 [/i]]

beelip 2016-6-17 20:15

回復 17# 的帖子

Yes, it comes with no glue at the back of rubber and not the nice packaging as in your photo. Hope it is not a fake rubber. Btw do you think Komann offers glueing services.

egghead1969 2016-6-17 22:51

[quote]原帖由 [i]beelip[/i] 於 2016-6-17 20:15 發表 [url=http://hkttf.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=1135121&ptid=82943][img]http://hkttf.com/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
Yes, it comes with no glue at the back of rubber and not the nice packaging as in your photo. Hope it is not a fake rubber. Btw do you think Komann offers glueing services. [/quote]
我係加燦,點知有冇痴長膠服務;titter, 買張 glue sheet 自已痴;
包裝差唔奇,可能係過唔到 QC 或 OEM ( taobao 好多係咁),不過冇膠水起後面就真係好有問題;sweat

[[i] 本帖最後由 egghead1969 於 2016-6-18 01:56 編輯 [/i]]

beelip 2016-6-18 17:14

回復 19# 的帖子

Thanks egghead1969, so you are from Canada eh. Are you from B.C. or Toronto?

egghead1969 2016-6-19 01:51

[quote]原帖由 [i]beelip[/i] 於 2016-6-18 17:14 發表 [url=http://hkttf.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=1135350&ptid=82943][img]http://hkttf.com/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
Thanks egghead1969, so you are from Canada eh. Are you from B.C. or Toronto? [/quote]
我係一隻住起 B.C. 省既乒乓球菜鳥;titter

beelip 2016-6-19 18:10

I lived in Toronto before, will go back this July to accompany my son to look for school.

BrianDD 2016-6-20 14:18

回復 22# 的帖子

I will back to markham next year;lol

beelip 2016-6-20 20:51

回復 23# 的帖子

Seems like quite a few Canadian citizen in this forum.

egghead1969 2016-6-21 00:51

你打過塊膠未呀,好繄張等你個評語 ;titter

beelip 2016-6-28 16:17

Just try it today for two hours. It seems to have better control than the new dtecs. With dtecs sometimes the ball will go long against fast ball serves. I can also do more attacking strokes with this rubber. I put this rubber on my old Sardius blade whick is more than 20 years old and control is still okay.
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