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標題: [免費球局][中、日直聯盟球友交流] 8月2-5日 (星期二至五) 2-4pm 香港公園體育館 [打印本頁]

作者: Kerric    時間: 2016-7-29 02:31     標題: [免費球局][中、日直聯盟球友交流] 8月2-5日 (星期二至五) 2-4pm 香港公園體育館

日直联盟球友交流球局 (中、日直板手报名优先) 8月2日-5日 (星期二至五) 2-4PM 香港公園体育馆 / 香港公園壁球館
地址: 中環紅棉路29號(毗鄰山頂纜車總站)
費用: 全免
人数: 3人 (暂定) - 供多球练习(Gewo 40+ 二星练习球) / 计分制 (Nitakku 40+ 三星 Premium) / 先练后计亦可..
宗旨:延续J-Pen Never Dies精神,以球会友,中、日直技术交流切磋、交换心得同时也借此机会让日直玩家翻出很久没用的日直球拍或自家带上私藏日直球拍共赏亦欢迎...


8月2日 (星期二) 2-4pm 香港公園壁球館 壁球室1   - Cancelled
1. Kerric - Butterfly 柳承敏 RSM G-MAX 10MM (94G) ● Butterfly Tenergy 05 / Butterfly 金澤珠 KTS 10.5MM (特注 97G) ● Butterfly Tenergy 25
2. gideonng - Darker 90 ● Razak9
3. Samuel - Butterfly Cypress ● Butterfly Bryce Highspeed

8月3日 (星期三) 2-4pm 香港公園體育館 乒乓室 Table 1
1. Kerric - Butterfly 柳承敏 RSM G-MAX 10MM (94G) ● Butterfly Tenergy 05 / Butterfly 金澤珠 KTS 10.5MM (特注 97G) ● Butterfly Tenergy 25
2. Samuel - Butterfly Cypress ● Butterfly Bryce Highspeed
3. 发哥 (Reserved) 3-4pm

8月4日 (星期四) 2-4pm 香港公園壁球館 壁球室2
1. Kerric - Butterfly 柳承敏 RSM G-MAX 10MM (94G) ● Butterfly Tenergy 05 / Butterfly 金澤珠 KTS 10.5MM (特注 97G) ● Butterfly Tenergy 25
2. Samuel - Butterfly Cypress ● Butterfly Bryce Highspeed
3. Tommy

8月5日 (星期五) 2-4pm 香港公園體育館 乒乓室 Table 1
1. Kerric - Butterfly 柳承敏 RSM G-MAX 10MM (94G) ● Butterfly Tenergy 05 / Butterfly 金澤珠 KTS 10.5MM (特注 97G) ● Butterfly Tenergy 25
2. Tim

* 为公平起见暂时限定每位球友最多可报名两次,视人数而定将做调整...
** 为了避免任何不必要的争议,本人将保留名单内最终決定權.

热血日直,小弟在此恭迎大驾.^ _ ^

[ 本帖最後由 Kerric 於 2016-8-4 21:57 編輯 ]
作者: 鷹眼    時間: 2016-7-29 10:04

作者: tomtom1995    時間: 2016-7-29 11:23

作者: tomtom1995    時間: 2016-7-29 11:23

作者: 乒乓人    時間: 2016-7-29 12:33

只係要返工去唔到 x 2
作者: Kerric    時間: 2016-7-29 15:16

Yes, really superb fun! Just come and join....
原帖由 范少伯 於 29/7/2016 10:31 發表

Jik Paak hing, try J-pen. Really fun.

作者: Kerric    時間: 2016-7-29 15:19     標題: 回復 7# 的帖子 ; 回復 8# 的帖子

作者: ninthuncle    時間: 2016-7-29 15:23

哇,呢個有創意喎!Support x100!!
作者: Kerric    時間: 2016-7-29 16:01

Try JPen Go.. Much more fun!
原帖由 直拍橫打c 於 29/7/2016 15:23 發表
Baak Baak hing,i have tried J-pen before and i think J-pen is quite cool,  but i am afraid J-pen is harder to play reverse penhold backhand than C-pen.
Baak Baak hing,try Pokemon Go. Really fun. ...

作者: Kerric    時間: 2016-7-29 16:18

作者: Kerric    時間: 2016-7-29 23:23

原帖由 ninthuncle 於 29/7/2016 15:23 發表
哇,呢個有創意喎!Support x100!!

作者: gideonng    時間: 2016-7-30 00:57

I can join 8月2日 (星期二) 2-4pm 香港公園壁球館 壁球室1. Count me in please, thanks!
作者: Kerric    時間: 2016-7-30 02:16

Added. May I know which JPen blade that you using?
By the way, please PM me your mobile no.
原帖由 gideonng 於 30/7/2016 00:57 發表
I can join 8月2日 (星期二) 2-4pm 香港公園壁球館 壁球室1. Count me in please, thanks!

作者: Kerric    時間: 2016-7-30 02:47

原帖由 gideonng 於 30/7/2016 00:57 發表
I can join 8月2日 (星期二) 2-4pm 香港公園壁球館 壁球室1. Count me in please, thanks!

作者: gideonng    時間: 2016-7-30 02:52

大抵我會帶⋯⋯Darker 90+Razak9 罷⋯
原帖由 Kerric 於 2016-7-30 02:16 發表
Added. May I know which JPen blade that you using?
By the way, please PM me your mobile no.

作者: Kerric    時間: 2016-7-30 22:34

Roger that.. Thx!
原帖由 gideonng 於 30/7/2016 02:52 發表
大抵我會帶⋯⋯Darker 90+Razak9 罷⋯

作者: Kerric    時間: 2016-7-31 22:46

Namelist updated.. Anymore JPen players?!
作者: Hodyhody    時間: 2016-7-31 23:21

作者: Kerric    時間: 2016-8-1 12:22

You're welcome 直hing. Just drop by and join us anytime during the session!
原帖由 直拍橫打c 於 1/8/2016 09:11 發表
Copy that.  Thanks, Kerric hing.   

作者: Kerric    時間: 2016-8-1 20:57

星期三、四和五还有几个空位,开放给有兴趣和日直的我交流切磋的中直球友优先报名,报名者请列明自己的球拍款式、配胶等等.... 欢迎参加!
作者: gideonng    時間: 2016-8-2 11:02

作者: Kerric    時間: 2016-8-2 11:10

最新風暴消息 - Source: 香港天文台



作者: Kerric    時間: 2016-8-2 11:12

如果一时前改发T3, 是否就能继续呢?
作者: Kerric    時間: 2016-8-2 11:50

作者: Kerric    時間: 2016-8-2 13:34

作者: gideonng    時間: 2016-8-2 14:02

作者: gideonng    時間: 2016-8-2 14:03

作者: Kerric    時間: 2016-8-2 14:14

作者: Kerric    時間: 2016-8-2 14:16

作者: gideonng    時間: 2016-8-2 15:16

作者: Kerric    時間: 2016-8-2 21:57

天不作美 .... G兄有机会再打!
作者: Kerric    時間: 2016-8-3 12:26

You're welcome, looking forward to play TT with all of you guys '高手' c-hing....
原帖由 直拍橫打c 於 3/8/2016 09:46 發表
Kerric hing,thank you very much for your invitation.
I really appreciate it but am snowed under with work in the afternoon on weekdays.
Hope we can play together someday.  

作者: siangmalam    時間: 2016-8-3 12:49

very good intention to organize such game for all J-Penholder together, to exchange thoughts and experiences. If and only if the time would be convenient for other interested person.
作者: Kerric    時間: 2016-8-3 17:54

My daughter was attending 3 hrs summer camp's workshop nearby HK Park Sport Centre, so 2-4pm is the best timing for me to squeeze in then I've to pick her up afterward. Just try my luck to dig out those JPen veterans...

I will try to organize some session during the most convenient timing next time...

BTW, do you know Malay? 早晚兄...
原帖由 siangmalam 於 3/8/2016 12:49 發表
very good intention to organize such game for all J-Penholder together, to exchange thoughts and experiences. If and only if the time would be convenient for other interested person.

作者: Kerric    時間: 2016-8-3 18:01

I thought you wanted to form up a group called '防弧球局' couple of weeks ago so expected you are one of those TT veterans..

Well, catch you soon in the middle of September..
原帖由 直拍橫打c 於 3/8/2016 16:35 發表
Thanks Kerric hing. I'm not good at table tennis.  
You were the first and only one who called me "高手".
If you are free, we can play tt at HK Park Sports Centre ...

作者: tommy    時間: 2016-8-4 08:01

Please count me in for Thur's game,   thank you.
作者: Kerric    時間: 2016-8-4 08:59

Added, welcome to join Tommy!
原帖由 tommy 於 4/8/2016 08:01 發表
Please count me in for Thur's game,   thank you.

作者: siangmalam    時間: 2016-8-4 14:38

原帖由 Kerric 於 3-8-2016 17:54 發表
My daughter was attending 3 hrs summer camp's workshop nearby HK Park Sport Centre, so 2-4pm is the best timing for me to squeeze in then I've to pick her up afterward. Just try my luck to dig out tho ...
Understood. I am too young to be a veteran player, still seeking improvement to fine tune my techniques and footwork.
I can speak malay of course, so far you are the first one to interpret such phrase.    

Encik Kerric, Kamu sangat pandai lagi seorang bapa baik.  
作者: Kerric    時間: 2016-8-4 17:09

Very well 直hing , I wanted to learn anti-spin technique as well... Do let me know after you form up the group...
原帖由 直拍橫打c 於 4/8/2016 12:33 發表
Kerric hing,haha~~ i was just kidding. I haven't bought my first anti-spin rubber yet...
Look forward to playing with you guys next month.  

作者: Kerric    時間: 2016-8-4 17:23

I would like to improve my TT skill too, let's train up together next time...

Terima kasih abang siangmalam  Sudah lama tak cakap bahasa melayu hampir terlupa... Apa khabar abang?
Nak lim teh kah?PM saya telephone bimbit abang lah..
原帖由 siangmalam 於 4/8/2016 14:38 發表

Understood. I am too young to be a veteran player, still seeking improvement to fine tune my techniques and footwork.
I can speak malay of course, so far you are the first one to interpret such  ...

作者: Kerric    時間: 2016-8-5 17:43

有兴趣参加第二波球局请到 报名

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