
【Cola 可樂】深水步 - 版主

Become 板主 - 作者 : Cola

Become 版主
Dear brothers and sisters,

Being invited by brother Topgun, I become the 版主 of 油尖旺區 & 深水埗區 and closely collaborate with Augustmoon.  I haven't played table-tennis for more than 6 years. This forum does trigger my passion. I hope I can assist the host and contribute more to the whole group. Do you know who I am? The username ymca1 is a bit strange, therefore, I changed to Cola of which has been used for more than 20 years in a volunteer organization.

I know nothing about Chinese Input method except Guangdong input or copy and paste. Likewise, I just purcahsed a new PC(Vista) which is not compatible with Guangdong input. I can't type any Chinese character at home and I am going to purchase a writing pad. I hope it will become more convenient in communicating with all of you. You know, we are mother tongue of Chinese and it's more direct. Still, I cannot type any Chinese at work!!!

Looking forward to the next practice session. I cannot come this Sunday due family day. Already received lots of complaint from my wife and my children.  

Best regards,
Facebook : http://facebook.com/hkttf


Facebook : http://facebook.com/hkttf


Dear brothers and sisters,

我受 Topgun 邀請出任油尖旺及深水埗區板主, 同時與另一板主 Augustmoon 緊密合作.   我已經六年沒有打波了, 這個討論區引起我的激情, 我希望能夠栛助板主做更多的東西. 你知我是誰嗎 ? 我原來的名是 ymca1, 但這個名有點奇怪.  所以我轉用 Cola, 而這個名我已經在志願机構用了超過20年了,

Being invited by brother Topgun, I become the 版主 of 油尖旺區 & 深水埗區 and closely collaborate with Augustmoon.  I haven't played table-tennis for more than 6 years. This forum does trigger my passion. I hope I can assist the host and contribute more to the whole group. Do you know who I am? The username ymca1 is a bit strange, therefore, I changed to Cola of which has been used for more than 20 years in a volunteer organization.  

除了廣東拼音, 我不懂中文輸入法.  同樣地, 我剛買了一台新的電腦 (Vista), 那電腦不可以用廣東輸入法. 我不能打中文, 我準備買一個手寫板.  我希望日后可以方便一點與你們討論.  你知道啦這是我們的母語, 直接點.

I know nothing about Chinese Input method except Guangdong input or copy and paste. Likewise, I just purcahsed a new PC(Vista) which is not compatible with Guangdong input. I can't type any Chinese character at home and I am going to purchase a writing pad. I hope it will become more convenient in communicating with all of you. You know, we are mother tongue of Chinese and it's more direct. Still, I cannot type any Chinese at work!!!  

期望下次的訓練, 我週日不能來, 因為是家庭日.  我已經收到我老婆及仔女的投訴了.
Looking forward to the next practice session. I cannot come this Sunday due family day. Already received lots of complaint from my wife and my children.   
Best regards,
Facebook : http://facebook.com/hkttf


From : TKO

Cola, 我嘗試翻譯你的文章, 若翻不好請不要見怪.  不過我相信大部人都能明白你的文章.  若不明的人可以安裝金山或其它軟件. 畢竟電腦很方便.  英文唯一的問題是好難表達我們的語氣, 如你所說我們的母語是中文.  其實我打英文也較快, 不過我打中文都ok.  

首先多謝你的加入 ,我們又多一名新力軍.  其實創立這個討論區我已在welcome message 寫清楚, 我希望我們可以與更多更多的波友打波, 我也是放下波板15年的人.  同樣週六週日不能打波, 有人投訴,  你去吹水區你會看到 "你們有沒有給人投訴"

我常說, 打波又平, d人又正經.  好過有些人的 hobby 是 票, 都, 音, 當, 吹.. .  你話係未.  所以我的家庭也很支持我, 只是時間上要平衡.  我打翻波年半了.  感覺很好, 雖然跑得慢了, 体力差了, 但想 win 我都要付出一些体力  


PS..小心很多手寫板不支援 Vists ....溫馨提支...用返 XP 啦.   vista = Risk er (高風險)
Facebook : http://facebook.com/hkttf


作者 : Cola

各位兄弟姊妹,我個小蒙恬用得啦!:'( 真係非常興奮! :D 兩公婆幾十歲人, 都唔識打倉頡同速成輸入法, 唯有靠手寫板啦! 唉, 我個大女郡學緊啦, 你哋話屎唔屎呀???:L  :funk: Anyway, 以後同你哋傾計就方便好多啦!:P 不過喺公司, 都只係可以打英文。Sorry!
Facebook : http://facebook.com/hkttf


作者 : Cola

Become 版主
Dear brothers and sisters,

Being invited by brother Topgun, I become the 版主 of 油尖旺區 & 深水埗區 and closely collaborate with Augustmoon.  I haven't played table-tennis for more than 6 years. This forum does trigger my passion. I hope I can assist the host and contribute more to the whole group. Do you know who I am? The username ymca1 is a bit strange, therefore, I changed to Cola of which has been used for more than 20 years in a volunteer organization.

I know nothing about Chinese Input method except Guangdong input or copy and paste. Likewise, I just purcahsed a new PC(Vista) which is not compatible with Guangdong input. I can't type any Chinese character at home and I am going to purchase a writing pad. I hope it will become more convenient in communicating with all of you. You know, we are mother tongue of Chinese and it's more direct. Still, I cannot type any Chinese at work!!!

Looking forward to the next practice session. I cannot come this Sunday due family day. Already received lots of complaint from my wife and my children.  

Best regards,
Facebook : http://facebook.com/hkttf


尚有其它精彩內容, 儘在此處

Facebook : http://facebook.com/hkttf

