
[其它討論] 乒乓球板底邊撞崩,有什麼辦法修補--Selleys Plastic Wood?

本主題由 (=^x^=) 於 2023-10-31 03:52 移動
does it have the VOC?
Just afraid it will affect the the racket test by HKTTA
Guide for happiness:  
1.Free your heart from hate.  2.Free your mind from worry,
3. live simple, 4. give more, 5. expect less


原帖由 old-cake 於 2011-12-8 09:24 發表
does it have the VOC?
Just afraid it will affect the the racket test by HKTTA
In the selleys web site, found that it is a solvent and is certified as envirOK with Low Toxic,Low Odour and Low VOC.

http://www.selleys.com.au/featur ... -and-sustainability

Which means it do have the VOC but in a very small amount. Just don't know whether it will affect the the VOC test.

Anyway, I have an old racket and don't use it now. I will try to use the selleys liquid nail to repair it. And wait for one month and get it test to HKTTA and see whether it will pass the test.
Guide for happiness:  
1.Free your heart from hate.  2.Free your mind from worry,
3. live simple, 4. give more, 5. expect less


just find a australian VOC compliance guide with different material.
It states that the selley liquid nail has the VOC components around 80 to 90 gram per litre.

So when I use a small portion for the repair of the racket. Will it affect the test?? Any professional can give us some advise!!
Guide for happiness:  
1.Free your heart from hate.  2.Free your mind from worry,
3. live simple, 4. give more, 5. expect less

