
【本站通告】假的 IP

原帖由 jcclee 於 2012-6-6 22:37 發表
近期發現了多左假的 IP 在本論壇出現 !
Example (註冊 IP : 加拿大 // 上網 IP : 阿魯阿圖)

唔知道用假 IP 背後的真正目的是甚麼 ?
但總是令我覺得不安 !
特別是當這些假 IP 出沒在二手區買賣時, 大家會安心嗎 ...
The topic is about the difference between the REGISTERED IP and ON-LINE IP.

Sorry. I am not an IT specialist. Can any senior management/member kindly answer me the following basic Internet questions?

1. Would the IT system automatically generate REGISTERED IP?
As far as I remembered, I only fill in my email, login name and password at the time I registered in HKTTF. That is, I did not note and fill anything regarding the REGISTERED IP. In this situation, where my REGISTER IP would be empty or automatically generate by the system?

2. How and where can I check my REGISTERED IP in HKTTF?
I spent over 10 min. to found out my REGISTERED IP in HKTTF, but failed and gave up at the end. Is that the IP can only be seen by System Controllers?

3. Can the REGISTERED IP be changed?
On one hand, if the IP can be changed easily (e.g. Japan on Mon, Germany on Tue, USA on Wed.), is the IP still a useful tool in monitoring and control of the system.
On the other hand, if the IP cannot be changed after register, it may become incorrect after a period of time (e.g. registered during study oversea, but go back to HK).

4. How come if the INTERNET IP is changed?
To earn the living, some HK citizens may need to travel oversea. They may use the non-local internet services to enter HKTTF. In such a situation, the REGISTERED IP and Internet IP would be different.

