
[膠皮討論] 初試MX-P(已更新)

本主題由 (=^x^=) 於 2023-10-31 03:51 移動
原帖由 8899 於 2014-4-3 23:31 發表
On monday, I bought 1 MX-P , and R-7. on my new Viscaria. I try on tue and Wed.  MX-P for
fore-hand and R-7 for back. I bought them from 華星. but unfortunely I don't have your
good feeling like yo ...
What kind of rubber you are now playing on both sides?
forehand for 05 n backhand for 64? if i m right... then...
i would recommand you to try on EL-P for forehand instead of MX-P.
Actually, I feel that MX-P is more like 05Fx while EL-P is similar to 05.
I m also using photino b4 n 64 for my backhand side. after a while, i used Donic
S1 replacing 64 on my backhand, i found out S1 is suitable on photino as well.
BTY AmuItart 正手: Tenergy 05 反手: Tenergy 64
BTY ALC 正手: Tenergy 05 反手: Donic S1
BTY Hadraw Shield 正手: BTY Bryce 反手: KTL Stranger
BTY 朱世爀 正手: Xiom Omega V Pro 反手: TSP Curl P-1
BTY Photino 正手: Xiom Omega VI 反手: Yasaka AntiPower
VICTAS 松下浩二 正手: Tenergy 05 反手: TSP Curl P-4

